Sunday, October 31, 2010


We had a full house today, well technically's late, just got home from Blue Man Group (fun!) and brought in my bags of supplies from todays classes.  If you missed the sign up because we were sold out for the COPIC classes...put it on your holiday wish list as well as the markers or make it a gift certificate so that you can pick out some markers after taking a class.  I will be scheduling more classes beginning in January 2011.  It's scary how soon that will be here. 

I will be holding a class on Saturday, December 11 that will utilize all those COPIC skills you learned, using the JUST RITE groovy snowmen and snowwomen :-).  They are so cool...I just love snomen...they really do melt my heart.  If you haven't been bitten by the COPIC bug then bring along your colored pencils or markers of your choice and join us for that same class!

I completed the Intermediate COPIC certification last weekend in Chicago.  It was very informative and looking forward to bringing you some new techniques  /projects using the markers in 2011. 

Tomorrow needs to be a clean up my scrapbook room day because I have no space to work and I just got the new Websters Pages papers (Waiting for Santa) for one of my December projects  - LOVE IT and cannot wait to create something.

Have a great one and hope you have fun creating!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

November Classes

Here are the pictures of my November classes.

11/3/10 @ The Inspiration Station @ 6pm:

11/11/10 @ Wiggles & Giggles @ 6pm:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Blog Look

With the changing of the seasons (now that it's truly feeling like some fall sweater weather) comes a change with my blog colors and header. Now I need to get downstairs and finish up my samples for the Fall themed Embossed Expressions Card class. Enjoy this beautiful day!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

October Update

Here are some changes to my October Schedule due to not getting the needed product in on time to prepare one of my October samples as well as the upcoming holidays. My Picture Perfect Pages class that was supposed to be held on Thursday, October 28th will be held on Thursday, November 11th.
Also, with the upcoming holidays for the months of November and December, my Picture Perfect Pages layout classes at Wiggles and Giggles will be held on the 2nd Thursday vs. the 4th.
Next week I am heading to Chicago!!! Additional COPIC training in hopes of learning some new tips and techniques that I will share with you. I am really excited.
Last weekend I completed my first half marathon (13.1 miles). I was so excited that I exceeded my goal by almost 5 minutes!!! The last couple of miles were really tough but now I know I would train more faithfully the next time. Yes, I will do it again!
Tomorrow night I get to play and hang out with a dear friend. Doesn't get better than that!!!
Happy Creating!